This information will guide you through the next 6 weeks of your rehabilitation. Use the information below to gain a better understanding of your injury and what can be done to maximise your recovery.



Healing: Depending on the severity soft tissue knee injuries can take between 6-12 weeks to heal.
Pain and Swelling:

Your knee may be swollen. Resting and elevating your leg will help. Take pain killers as prescribed.


Using your leg:


You will need to adjust your activity level until you movement returns and your pain has resolved.

You may walk on your leg as comfort allows and may use crutches and/or a splint if provided by A&E.


Follow up:



You will have an appointment with a Knee Specialist about 7-10 days after your injury.

They will assess your knee once the immediate pain and swelling has decreased. The Specialist will decide if further treatment or x-rays are required. They will organise this if needed.

If you have not received a letter for this appointment within one week please contact our team.





















If you are worried that you are unable to follow this rehabilitation plan, or have any questions, then please phone the Fracture Care Team for advice.

Or, if you are experiencing pain or symptoms, other than at the site of the original injury or surrounding area, please get in touch using the telephone or e-mail details at the top of this letter.


What to expect


  since injury

  Rehabilitation plan


  If you have been given a splint and/or crutches by A&E, use them as required in the early stages. You should attempt to stop using them as soon as possible.

  The splint may be worn under or over your clothes, whichever is most comfortable.

   Remove it for personal hygiene and to apply cold packs and to start gentle exercises shown below.

  You are allowed to put weight through your leg, with or without crutches.

  Start the exercises below straight away and resume normal activities when you can.


  You should expect to have an appointment with the Acute Knee Clinic for further assessment and ongoing advice regarding rehabilitation.


Advice for a new injury

Cold packs: A cold pack (ice pack or frozen peas wrapped in a damp towel) can provide short term pain relief. Apply this to the sore area for up to 15 minutes, every few hours ensuring the ice is never in direct contact with the skin.                                                    

Rest and Elevation: Try to rest the knee for the first 24-72 hours to allow the early stage of healing to begin. Raise your knee above the level of your hips to reduce swelling. You can use pillows or a stool to keep your foot up

Early movement and exercise: Early movement of the ankle and foot is important to promote circulation and reduce the risk of developing a DVT (blood clot). Follow the exercises below within the limits of your pain. These exercises will help the healing process.

Early weight bearing (putting weight through your injured leg) helps increase the speed of healing. Try to walk as normally as possible as this will help with your recovery.


Fitting the cricket pad splint

Place the cricket pad splint on the leg so that your patella (knee cap) is in the middle of the hole in the splint, as shown.













Initial exercises to do 3 times a day

Static Quads

With the leg straight and supported, gently tense your thigh muscle and try to straighten your knee further. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 7-10 times.







Knee flexion and extension

Bend and straighten your injured leg as far as you feel comfortable. Repeat 7-10 times










Progression exercises

When you can do the 2 exercises above, you can start these exercises:

Seated knee extension

Bend and straighten your knee while sitting, as comfort allows. Repeat 10 times.

If able, hold your leg straight for up to 5 seconds.









Inner range quads

Place a rolled up towel or small pillow under your injured knee, as shown in the picture.

Tense your thigh muscle and try to straighten your knee. Keep the back of your knee in contact with the towel/pillow.

Repeat 10 times, holding your leg straight for up to 5 seconds if able.